Don’t get caught short of capacity. Strong rebound for UK economy.
The UK is on target for its largest annual growth since 1941, A strong bounce back after such a destructive 2020 was inevitable but even the most conservative of economists are revising their figures for the UK recovery.
Ease capacity issues with:
- Double column machining centres from KAFO
- Universal bedmills from LAGUN
- Turning capacity comes from YOU JI for VTL vertical turning
- CMZ for Turning centres/lathes.
Lead times are typically 10 to 24 weeks for most of the machines in Kafo, Lagun and You Ji range, CMZ typically 30 days to 90 days including stock for more popular models.
We are seeing a jump in enquiries as companies start the process of purchasing new machines for 2021 expansion. Don’t be left behind, call TDT for up to date quote and availability to keep your machine shop from overheating.
Or click on machines below.
You Ji vertical lathes VTL turning TDT